Sunday, November 11, 2012

I'm back peoplessss . :D


I'm back on Blog :D
I thought i wouldn't be able to access my blog anymore :(
But finally i could . Alhamdulillah ! :D
How are you everyone ? I hope you guys are fine (;
I miss writing on blog :(( 
I was busy with my studies till i forgota blog ><
I don't really know what to do during this holidays . I just don't wanna get bored -.-"
Tomorrow im having drama training :) Then after that, i might be hanging out with my friend to watch movie . Insyallah :)))

My secondary 2 life has ended :')))) <3<3<3 I'm gonna miss it so muchieeeee :') :') :')
2012 has passed so fast . Now it's November . 
There's only one month left in 2012 , which is December and 2012 will end :'( :') <3
Next month , my family and I will be going to Spain for 8-10 days :D
I hope we'll have a safe journey there and reach S'pore safely . 
Insya'Allah . Ameen ^^ :)))

I think that's all for today ! I hope to write something on my blog soon (:

Sunday, March 11, 2012

SJAB Camp is over ♥

FINALLY! SJAB camp is over :'D
Can relax :)
Feeling so exhausted after the camp.
But ALL camps are tiring right?
Unfortunately, i had to go back EARLIER than the others because of First Aid Competition which was held at SJAB HQ :'(
What to do? That's my luck (:
But Thank God i enjoyed my camp eventhough i couldnt sleep at night -.- :) we had nightwalk, campfire cheer, games, activities, Physical Training & Footdrill ❤ I LOVE THEM ALL! Especially the nightwalk, where my friends and i had to walk in the darkin school. Luckily, we were guided by lights during the nightwalk ;) and the BEST part is, when our seniors saw us walking towards them, some of them tried to push or hide the dustbin infront of us, JUST TO FREAK US OUT. Mwehehe :P XD When we walked past them, they gave us a SHOCK. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! And we were like, "ARGHHH!!!"screaming like a lunatic person. LOL :) plus, a few of my seniors tried untie their long hair, and act like a ghost xD and the part i couldnt forget was when one of my seniors tried to grab my leg, which scared me too. I was so shocked about that man! Hehe xP But i enjoyed the nightwalk and other activites eventhough we were nervous about them at first ;D ♥ LASTLY, we got a chance to cook Maggi for our second day of camp. We ate them for lunch! ^.^ At night, we had to perform infront of the other UGs during the campfire which was "awesome" babe! :D and o brought many stuffs to the camp, lastly i had to bring a trolley bag to camp >.< Hahahahahah! K that's all for the camp :)

Monday, March 5, 2012


Finally, this is my LAST day doing E-learning :D
ALHAMDULILLAH! <3 Well, I'm just blogging now coz' idk what to do.
I'm gonna eat my breakfast soon before E-Learning starts! ^.^
Then later I will call Dini <3 
I'm also done decorating my Tumblr ;D
Kay, for now, I better eat my breakfast before I get stomache again ><
BYE BYE! (Y) <:

Sunday, March 4, 2012


I woke up early today as im having E-Learning on Internet :)
But gosh, im currently having stomache right after i woke up :< 
OUCH. It's so paintful! What could the reason be for having stomache? ><
Now it's better :) Hope I'll recover from it soon. INSYA'ALLAH <3
E-Learning is gonna start soon ^^ so gotta prepare for it. Buhbyes! :D


OH YEAAAAAAAAAAAH ! SJAB camp is coming :)
But sadly im only looking forward to it about 50% coz im nervous about what we're gonna do for the camp :/ GEEZ . I bet it's gonna be WORSE than last year . But i hope it's not ;)
I've halfway packed my camp bag and I've gotta few more things to put inside my bag .
Okay , now i wanna listen to music video on YouTube .. k byes ! :D xx

Friday, February 24, 2012

Hey everyone :D

Hey everyone :D WHADDUP?
I have to study hard (:
hmmmm, but i have difficulties concentrating on my studies >< pfft.
im currently listening to the song We Are The World 25 For Haiti <3
That's my FAVOURITE SONG <333333
IDK why i keep replaying the song O.o hahahaha! xD
but nvm ;D i love the song (;
my sjab camp is coming! 9 March-11 March :)
ummm nothing else to write? k fine..i'll shall stop here for today. GOODBYES ~ T_T

Monday, February 6, 2012


hmmmmm now school days im getting even stresser. SOMETIMES.
But what to do? I needa learn how to handle it ^^
ok, nothing to talk about. gtg if not im dead >< BB !